This New Vegan Leather is Made Out of Pineapple Leafs 12:18:00 AM Leather has been used for many thousands of years to make just about every kind of cloth and upholstery you can imagine. It has long bee...
Studies Show How Reading Fictional Books Can Boost Our Empathy 8:56:00 AM Interested in boosting your empathy levels? There may be a pretty simple, yet satisfying way to do so. Reading novels may just be the ...
How To Prepare Your Car For a Long Distance Trip 11:27:00 PM Taking long trips towards the outskirts of town or actually getting out of town could be a great experience, particularly when driving...
Style Bloggers Are Now Making More Than Ever 1:33:00 AM We already knew fashion bloggers were making a crazy amount of money. In 2014, the top bloggers were already bringing in $1 milli...
5 Fashion And Beauty Apps That'll Add Time Back To Your Day 1:23:00 AM You probably made a few New Year's resolutions for 2016, but one that should be on everyone's list is to make time to relax and re...
Kim Kardashian Worked Really, Really Hard During This Barbie-Themed Shoot 1:14:00 AM Most of the world already sees Kim Kardashian (and the rest of the krew) as plastic, so posing as a Barbie doll seems only fitting....
European Rail Passes Not To Miss 3:00:00 AM Experience the best of Europe Eurail is your key to discovering as many as 28 countries in Europe. Take a whistle-stop tour to Europe’s most...
Andaz Peninsula Papagayo-Costa Rica Divine 2:53:00 AM Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monster...
The science of attraction 12:17:00 AM Have you ever wanted to look attractive and make people around you enjoy the conversation? Do you want to be the center of attentio...
The game that is growing in the market more than gold 12:05:00 AM The game “Lego” can be a smart investment strategy.